In which Old Ted goes to hospital…

I have a couple of ageing teddy bears that have been with me all my life – indeed, Old Ted was my mum’s or her sister’s, I think. They have accompanied me to Africa and back several times as a small child, and have survived the vagaries of me, family and visiting children over the years. They, like, me, sit around in a reasonably contented semi-retirement (with the addition of the Aussie newcomer, brought back by my mother  from a visit there in the 80’s, so he’s not as young as I think!).

two teddies and a koala

Big Ted, Old Ted and mum’s Koala. A family much given to fanciful names, aren’t we?

However, the time came for Big Ted to have some serious chiropody, as you can see from the photo. After a bit of internet research and phone calls, the invalid was wrapped up and taken to bear hospital on Friday. I am such a wuss that I couldn’t quite take the plunge of sending him by post or carrier to a ‘hospital’ further afield, and the one I chose said that drop-offs and pickups were possible by arrangement. How daft am I?

Ted wrapped in his towel...

Old Ted goes to hospital

The upshot of this was that we found ourselves in Painswick, Gloucestershire, somewhere we realised we’d never visited, so decided to take a look around.

It’s a delightful village, with some very narrow streets which leads to some severe traps for the unwary, and some charming buildings in that warm Cotswold stone.

In and around Painswick

In and around Painswick

In and around Painswick

In and around Painswick

First stop was coffee and a very tasty smoked salmon sandwich in the coffee shop on the main road before Stewart’s blood sugar crashed totally.

Yes, they still make cow creamers!

Yes, they still make cow creamers!

We then headed for the gallery at the Painswick Centre, more of which anon…  Suffice it to say for now that we were surprised and delighted by the exhibition and enjoyed the open studio visits as well. Katherine Attwell’s work was fascinating.


Katherine Attwell’s open studio and exhibition in the Painswick Centre.

Part of Katherine Attwell's exhibition.

Part of Katherine Attwell’s exhibition.

We spent quite a while in the ACP gallery, which merits a separate post as both our cameras went into overdrive! Finally we meandered over to the church, where the floral display was themed around the children’s hymn All things bright and beautiful. This seemed particularly apt as bringing Old Ted had triggered a bit of nostalgia!

Embroidered hassock

All things bright and beautiful

All creatures great and small...

All creatures great and small…

floral display

The river rushing by…

All things bright and beautiful...

All things bright and beautiful…

Bounteous nature...


There were also some rather nice wildlife-themed art works in there, all in all a very pleasant discovery. We left the churchyard a trifle hastily as our parking time was running out, so my yew tree pictures are a little unimaginative and don’t really do it justice.Legend has it that if more than 99 trees are planted. the devil will uproot the hundredth… There is more down-to-earth information available.

The famous yew trees in the churchyard

The famous yew trees in the churchyard

Church and yews

Church and yews

We had a delightful drive home after this, via several local villages, Stockton Wood and Gloucester Docks. All in all, poor Old Ted missed a good day out! We look forward to picking him up once recuperated and having a further meander. I wonder, should I take Big Ted & Koala along for the trip?

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